To only test certain fields and not the entire protocol (for example, only test POST and skip GET on HTTP), you must lock fields to specific values. You can do this using these two methods:
- Above the POST/GET branches, locate the Enumerator (SE element). Set the lock to on for that element, and then change the position from 0 to 1 so that it's now the second branch. Only the second branch (POST) will now run. Right-click the POST branch, and then select a priority that is greater than 5. The branch now has a higher priority and will run first. In this scenario, you are still testing GET, but only AFTER all the POST tests are done.
- Right-click the POST branch, and then select a priority that is above 5 (for example, 6). The branch now has a higher priority and will run first. In this scenario, you are still testing GET, but only AFTER all the POST tests are done.