
beSECUREII will be delivered preconfigured but will require local network connectivity.

System requirements

VM IS minimum requirements

  • 16GB RAM
  • 8vCPUs
  • 32GB available hard drive space for the instance

VM LSS minimum requirements

  • 16GB RAM
  • 8vCPUs
  • 32GB available hard drive space for the instance

Setting up the server

  1. Turn on the beSECUREII server.
  2. At the prompt, enter config.
  3. When asked to use DHCP, enter y for yes or n to use a static IP address.
  4. If you selected y for DHCP, the network configuration will automatically complete. If you selected n to use a static IP address, enter the following:
    1. Static IP address
    2. Gateway IP address
    3. Subnet mask
  5. Once the network configuration is saved, open your web browser and go to https://<your IP address> (for example,
  6. On the beSECURE sign in page, enter the default credentials:
    • Username - superadmin
    • Password - testing
  7. You now have full access to your beSECUREII On-premise solution.