For PCI Compliance, you must complete an external PCI scan at least once a quarter. For a PCI scan to be considered compliant, it must only find low vulnerabilities present. PCI reports are kept on a separate user portal.

To access certified PCI reports, do the following:

  1. Go to the cloud/PCI:
  2. Log in with the same credentials as Cloud 2/3. If you don't know which cloud to log in to, contact Technical Support at, or your account manager.
  3. The name of the scan will appear on the left of the page.
  4. The status of the scan (Compliant or Not Compliant), Scan Date, Number of High/Medium Vulnerabilities/Total Vulnerabilities, and PDF icon will appear on the right side of the page.
  5. Select the PDF icon to download the report.

If you are not currently set up for PCI scans but would like more information or get started, contact the sales department at

PCI resources: