
beSECURE Summary Results provide basic, aggregated information on the vulnerabilities found during a scan. The search parameters involve the Organization, Scan, Vulnerability Name, Category, Hostname / IP Address, Service and Port, Scan Number, Test ID, Summary, Impact, Solution, Output, Risk, CVSS Score, Vulnerability Age, Reference Search, OS Type,

Asset Group, Scan Date, & Vulnerability ID. You can also select the checkboxes for: Include Previous Scan Results, Show 'None' Risk, Show Un-Ticketed, Show Ignored, & Return Dynamic Output.

You can search with multiple parameters even in the same field (by using a comma). It is possible to change the columns that you see in the results using the columns visibility option. You can also export any search in HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV, or XML format by selecting the corresponding icon at the top of the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.

Searching with multiple queries

  1. Log in to beSECURE.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
  3. Select Results > Search.
  4. Enter the parameters you want to base your search on.
  5. Select Search. Your search results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.
  6. Your search results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.

Searching by Hostname/IP Address

  1. Log in to beSECURE.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
  3. Select Results > Search.
  4. In the Organization box, select your organization.
  5. In the Hostname/IP Address box, enter one or more hostname and/or IP addresses. Separate multiple entries with a comma (for example,, You can use the dollar sign character ($) to indicate you want an exact match, otherwise, partial is used.
  6. Select Search.
  7. Your search results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.

Search by Reference

  1. Log in to beSECURE.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
  3. Select Results > Search.
  4. In the Reference Search box, select your desired source.
  5. In the box to the right, enter the string to search for.
  6. Select Search.
  7. Your search results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.

Search by Asset Tags

Note: Your organization must have asset tags in Results > Assets > Groups before performing this search.

  1. Log in to beSECURE.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
  3. Select Results > Search.
  4. In the Asset Group box, select your desired group. Note: You can only search for one asset group per search.
  5. Select Search.
  6. Your search results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.

Search by Vulnerability

  1. Log in to beSECURE.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
  3. Select Results > Search.
  4. Search using one of the following parameters:
    1. Vulnerability Name - A string search (you can write part of the name).
    2. Vulnerability ID - For a specific vulnerability on a specific IP/DNS.
    3. Test ID - For all the places this vulnerability appears.
  5. Select Search
  6. Your search results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page.

Saving a search

  1. Log in to beSECURE.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
  3. Select Results > Search.
  4. Enter or select the parameters you want to base your search on.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the Vulnerability Search page, select Saved Search(es). 
  6. Select Search.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the Vulnerability Scan Detailed Results page, select Alert.
  8. To create a new Saved Search, enter the desired name of the search in the box. You can overwrite an existing search by selecting it from the Update an existing Saved Search box.
  9. Select Save.