To determine if your scanner is configured correctly, you will need to compare the RPC settings with the LSS settings in the beSECURE portal. To compare settings, do the following:
- Go to https://your_internal_LSS_ip (if you have a beSECURE II machine, go to https://your_internal_LSS_ip:4443).
- Log in.
- Select the RPC tab.
- Open a new web browser tab.
- Log in to the beSECURE portal.
- In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps.
- Selecct Admin > Deployment > LSS.
- On the LSS List page, select the desired LSS.
- On the Main and Settings tabs, compare the Server ID, IP address, Management Server ID, and Management Server Domain values on the RPC tab.
Optionally you can change the Encryption Key by generating a new one on the RPC tab, and then paste into the Encryption Key box on the Settings tab in the beSECURE portal.