To connect an LSS to an IS in beSECURE, do the following:

  1. Open the Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge web browser, and then enter https://your_machine_ip:4443 in the address bar to open the sign-in page.
    Note: Replace your_machine_ip with your computer's IP address.
  2. Sign in with the following credentials:
    1. Username - admin
    2. Password - demo
      Note: If these credentials are incorrect, go to the AVDS terminal and type the command rlb admin. to reset the username and password to admin/demo.
  3. From the beSECURE Scanner page, select Network.
  4. Ensure you have the correct IP configuration, as shown in the following image:
  5. From the beSECURE Scanner page, select RPC.
  6. Select Generate to generate a new encryption key.
  7. Copy the encryption key for use in step 13c.
  8. In a new tab of your web browser, enter https://your_ip/ in the address bar to open the IS portal page.
    Note: Replace your_ip with your computer's actual IP address.
  9. On the Welcome to beSECURE page, enter the following credentials:
    1. Username - superadmin
    2. Password - testing
      Note: If these credentials are incorrect, go to the AVDS terminal and type the command rlb server. to reset the username and password to superadmin/testing.
  10. Log in to beSECURE.
  11. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps
  12. Select Admin > Deployment > LSS.
  13. Select the Newbutton .
  14. On the LSS Details page, enter the following in the corresponding, required boxes:
    1. LSS Name - The desired name for this LSS.
    2. Network Address -
    3. Encryption Key - Enter the encryption key generated in step 7.
    4. Contact Person - The desired beSECURE Contact Person for this LSS.
  15. Select Create
  16. From the LSS List page, locate the LSS you created, and then select the Heartbeat entry for it.
  17. From the LSS Details page, select the Permissions tab.
  18. From the Available list, select each user that can set up scans using this LSS. Each selected user will move to the Assigned list.
  19. Select Modify. You can now create scans using this ISLSS.