How do I exclude or include tests in my scans?
To exclude or include tests in your scans, do the following: Log in to beSECURE with administrative privileges. In the upper-left corner of the Home page...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 9:53 AM
Why are my scan results empty?
If your scan returned zero results, your license has expired or is fully consumed. To check the status of your license, do the following: Log in to beSECU...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 10:17 AM
How do I exclude vulnerabilities and other options from the dashboard?
To exclude options from a chart on your beSECURE dashboard, do the following: Log in to beSECURE. Select the option's text in the chart you want to e...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 10:40 AM
How do I view assets by hostname or IP address?
To view assets by hostname, do the following: Log in to beSECURE. Select Results > Assets > Search. Use the desired search parameters, and then se...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 12:08 PM
Where can I view the current beSECURE LSS engine version?
To view the current LSS version, do the following: Log in to your LSS. Select General. Next to Status, select the i icon (information icon). The LSS en...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 12:55 PM
How often does the beSECURE Device Collector sync and pulls records?
The Device Collector syncs and pulls records from every configured integration every 30 minutes.
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 1:16 PM
How do I ignore a vulnerability in my scan?
To set vulnerabilities in your scan to the Ignored state, do the following: Log in to beSECURE. In the upper-left corner of the Home page, select DevOps....
Tue, 8 Aug, 2023 at 4:08 AM
What information does the Filtered, Differential, Remediation, and Complete reports show?
Filtered Report – Shows specific elements from a complete scan. To view filtering options, select Filtered Report on the Reporting tab of the Scan Configura...
Tue, 8 Aug, 2023 at 3:37 AM
Why does a network range conflict prevent users from adding new scans?
This usually occurs when there's an ongoing scan in that network range or provided IP address, or the user does not have the appropriate permissions to ...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 1:25 PM
What port should be open for SMB login?
Make sure port 137 UDP is open for SMB login.
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 1:18 PM